Transworld has no upfront fees. We will analyze your company and go through the entire process with no cost to you. Your only obligation is when we find a buyer for your business. We traditionally receive our payment at closing.
The analysis of your business’ value or worth is another crucial function of the business intermediary. “The Market” makes the final determination of value. At Transworld, we have tremendous experience in valuing almost any business. Our estimates of value are not “certified business valuations” although we can provide this service for a fee. However, our experience and volume of comparable businesses allows us to give the business owner a very good estimate of value.
This can be handled in many ways. Often the property is sold as a separate listing. However, the company owner will frequently retain the property, obtain a long term lease and earn an ongoing cash flow stream. Also, the property can aid a buyer’s ability to finance the business.
Most small businesses are sold with the seller retaining cash and accounts receivable. A working level of inventory is generally granted to the new owner.
Most often, the company is sold free of all debt. This means that the former owner will be responsible for accounts payable as well as all long-term debt.
The lack of good business records is the single most common reason for a business sales deal to fall apart. We can’t emphasize enough the importance of maintaining good books and records before selling. This includes accurate financial statements, cash register receipts or whatever records are necessary to prove income and expenses. Of course, current tax returns are a must. However, we are used to selling businesses that may have less than adequate records.
Today, no later. Even if you think you are not ready to sell your company right now you can’t start preparing too early. One of our experienced agents will be more than happy to meet with you to help you to start thinking about your exit strategy.